Pomysl wyjazdu na Bali pojawil się nieoczekiwanie…jednak na moja decyzje nie trzeba było czekac zbyt dlugo – po prostu kupiłam bilety (będąc w tzw. okolicy, najlepiej skorzystac z lokalnego airmalaysia.com albo airasia.com )
The idea of visiting Bali came out of the blue and I have to admit I didin’t think about it too much, just booked the tickets :)
The idea of visiting Bali came out of the blue and I have to admit I didin’t think about it too much, just booked the tickets :)
Na Bali nie ma jednego glowengo miasta, gdzie można się zatrzymac, pozwiedzac, polezac na plazy. Sa tam raczej osobne rejony do których warto zawitac. Biorac pod uwage bardzo krotki czas mojego pobytu na Bali, zdecydowałam poznac bardziej Ubud.
There is no one main city that you can go there rather the
whole areas so taking into consideration the very short time spent there I
decided to explore Ubud more:)
Ubud is located in the more-less middle of the island, 2
hours drive from airport in Denpasar (the taxi drivers just off the exit from
airport are much expensive that the one you can find a bit furhter, so it is
better just to check the prices around and always, always, ALWAYS try to haggle
– it works).
Ubud is so green (nice change from the
concrete-and-steel-buildings in Kuala Lumpur) - huge trees, beautiful flowers,
statues of local gods - all that make the settings so tranquil that you feel
like in paradise :)
Okolica Ubud to także, co było dla mnie niespodzianka, tarasy ryzowe – ciagna się wszedzie i wyglądają super J
As a surprise Ubud is all about rice terraces. They look
amazing, field after filed full of small rice plants.
Ubud to także miejsce idealne na zakupy. Można tu znaleźć absolutnie wszystko i o wszystko dobrze jest się targowac J Jeśli chodzi o powazniejsze zakupy np. z wysylka to proponuje wybrac się w okolice Ubud, gdzie te wszystkie cuda sa robione recznie i można je kupic bezpośrednio.
Ubud is also great place for shopping – there is a huge
market in the middle of the town where you can find absolutely EVERYTHING for
cheap price (serious shopping should be done at the shops arround Ubud where
the goods&clothes and suveniers are actually made. It is the place where Market’s people buy them). The good fortune is really important for the bussiness so it can't be scared of or disregarded. Evermorning the small baskets with flowers are prepared to keep the spirits in favour.
When in Bali, Sarong is must-have and full-day-whole-body
massage is must-do (recommended Shangrila Spa in Ubud), Jimbaran is the must-go
beach, happiness is must-be state :))))))))
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